As you can see, I got all kinds or great stuff. Stamp pads, REALLY cool stamps (I'll be able to make my own baby announcements), pastel cardstock (in perfect baby colors), a gluestick that is specifically made for pictures, and some printed paper. To satisfy my knitting mojo I got a ball of Rowan Cashsoft 4-ply in a lavender color and Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's book! All of it will definitely be put to good use(I've already started reading the book)...thanks Secret Pal, you're one heck of a shopper!
I've been knitting away on the orange baby blanket, and it's coming along quite nicely. I must admit though that I probably wouldn't have made such progress if it wasn't for all the help I've been getting from Phoebe...

Unfortunately my 'to knit' list is quite long. Too many people are having babies! I can't wait to cast on for the Alphabet Blanket but that's going to take me a while. I have a couple of baby sweaters I think I'm going to have to do before I can start that. I've gotten into the habit of late night knitting, sometimes until 1 or 2 am~thank you pregnancy insomnia! Productive? Sure! But 7.30am comes all too quick, then if I stop moving during the day I pass out...LOL!
How was everyone's Memorial Day weekend? Mine was great! We took the kids to see Madagascar on Friday and they LOVED it! After that we took them out to dinner. They chose Applebees. Saturday we just kind of hung around the house but Sunday we went to a BBQ which was more like a block party. Lots of good food and the best part was I didnt have to cook! Ha! The boys played outside the entire day. By the time I got them home and showered they passed out HARD! They had so much fun. Then Monday we layed around and watched movies all day. To top off a great weekend, hubby cooked while I lounged on the couch and knit. Pure bliss :o)
I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm now at 34 weeks and some change. I'm so HOT and I can't walk and I can't make it to July! Poor little dude has no more room and when he changes position he knocks the wind out of me! My 4yo wanted to 'get stuff for the baby' so we got some little stuff (bibs, blankets, feeding supplies) from Target. I told him tomorrow after my appt. we can go to Babies R Us and look at strollers. He is really looking foward to it and even more so now that I told him he could pick out a toy for his new little brother. It makes me so happy that the boys are so excited about their new brother. They ask so many questions and say they can't wait to help. They talk to my belly and kiss it all the time because they want the baby to know what they sound like when he comes out. I can't believe I will soon be the mother of three boys!