I have a lot of things to catch up on. Lots. Have you ever had a friend that you haven't seen or spoken to in weeks, for whatever reason? Maybe you don't live in the same city or you both had just been really busy or whatever. So now you've got catching up to do, but you have so much to catch up on you don't know where to start. So you put off that phone call or email (or blog post) until you have the time to properly catch up and now it's been a month or two and you realize you need to take baby steps if you ever want to get caught up like you should be. Like you want to be.
So here I am. I haven't blogged in a couple of months. I'm behind in my knitting, my mail, my blog reading, my spinning...all my *stuff*.
We've been doing lots of stuff to the house and have lots more planned. Not to mention working outside of the home. I've been busy, a busiermama than usual. However things are starting to settle into some seblance of a routine~the hubby and I even made up a chore chart!~and I WILL start regular blogging again. I hope everyone hasn't removed me from their bloglines. It was a rough patch is all. I'll be around with more pictures (I plan to load up my new Flickr account) and more knitting and spinning talk. For now? Baby steps.
I know there is one person who is still checking over here, because I got tagged! Calling Kahlo asked me to reveal 7 random facts about myself. Here are the rules:
The particulars - Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog. Here we go...
1. I never dated a guy younger than me until my husband, who is three years my junior.
2. I don't bother with manicures, but I MUST get my toes done every two weeks.
3. I've recently become addicted to those house flipping shows.
4. I'm very peticular about how the bed is made. One rule of our new 'chore chart' is that whoever gets out of bed last makes it, and that is usually the hubby. Problem is, the way he makes the bed drives me nuts! I try to look the other way but one time I couldn't help it and he caught me re~making it...LOL!
5. Crowds (like the one at MDS&W on Saturday) can sometimes make me want to choke the sh*t out of someone.
6. It takes me forever to make a decision.
7. I'm currently planning my escape from my current job and current career to go back to school full time and get a new career and job.
Let's see....I tag Susan, Amanda, Michelle, Kerry and Roz.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
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