I've FINALLY finished the striped baby sweater, the one I started when I was pregnant and (apparently) delirious. Do to all the weird stuff I had to fix I had what seemed like a million ends to weave in.

It took a little over 3 balls of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. I really liked working with this yarn and I hope we meet again in the future :o) Here's a close up of the buttons the boys picked out just for their baby brother...

I'm really proud of how it came out, and with the weather getting cooler Isaiah will be wearing it in no time. See how big he's getting?

I love that pic. He appears to be pondering something...whatever it is babies ponder I suppose? He's probably wondering why I made him wear that hat.
I'm almost done with my first OSW. I plan to wear it to knit group tomorrow night if I can find something to wear it with.

It's Patagonia Nature Cotton. Isn't it pretty? I got it on sale at Knit and Stitch I think it smells kind of funny but no one else (not even the hubby) does so maybe it's just me. Anyhow, the OSW is a great pattern that I plan to knit again (and again). I already have a request from my sister for one in black.
I ordered some Lorna's Laces with the idea I was going to make socks, but then I saw this. Gorgeous! And what's that? only 350yds for the scarf version?

Hmm...sorry 'Go With the Flow' socks, you're on hold for now. I do have some solid Paton's Kroy that might work. If not, knitpicks here I come! Not right away though because the last thing I need is more yarn. Unless it's for this...

I've joined this knitalong because that pattern is just too cool! Unfortunately the called for (awesome) yarn is nearly impossible to find here in the states. Perhaps I'll dye my own? I have some *blank* Patons Classic Merino and I can order some acid dye. I figure it's worth a shot!
In other non~knitting news...the boys are doing great. They absolutely love soccer...

...and still like hanging out with their baby bro. I'm guessing that will change when he starts getting into their stuff!
'til next time fellow knitters :o)
your baby hoodie is awesome - little man will be too cute in it!
Oh, my! Your little ones are just so darling!
- Leisel
Very nice pictures of your family!
I'm going to have to go back and read exactly which pattern this is. It's really, really cute.
Nice shawl choice. Can't wait to hear how easy or difficult it is to knit. However, you're just knitting up a storm so everything has probably become pretty simple for you!
did you carry up the yarn in your sweate rhoodie or did you really have a million ends to weave in?
Beautiful family... gorgeous knitting...
Your knitting is so beautiful! You'll have to teach me to carry yarn so I won't be so afraid of stripes! Adorable, adorable babies!
Tempting coming along with the advice of my SP5! I am stuck now 'cause I don't have an extra set of dpns and DH (soon-to-be, anyway)actually just made a trip to LYS for me, but they are closed today.
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