though it is coming along quite nicely. I even taught myself how to knit a sock on one long circ, magic loop! I can't shake the feeling that I should start something new.
Funny thing is I feel overwhelmed at the same time. Like I have too many projects going on at once. So I thought perhaps I needed a small break from knitting all together? I made this...

Cute, no? Once I got all the cutting done it sewed up in a snap! I love this fabric and want to use it to make a bigger tote bag and perhaps a needle roll. The lining is just plain black. I liked it so much I made another...

This one is (obviously) larger and made of some denim I had lying around. I lined it with other fabric I had lying around. I even made pockets for the inside...

What's that? You don't see any pockets? Well that's because I was trying to watch Desperate Housewives while I was sewing and the lining is inside out! I'm a genius. I need to take it apart but will wait until my next round of bag~making. I went to JoAnn's (hooray for JoAnn's coupons!) and got some more fabric and some zippers. I want to make some more bags as well as needle cases and notions bags and whatever else I come up with. Hopefully I can snap some pics of my loot tomorrow, it's kind of dreary 'round here today.
I've been doing more blog surfing than anything (easiest to do while holding a baby and watching ESPN) and I'm just amazed at all the craftiness in blogland. There are three things that have struck my fancy lately...bags, quilts, and baking. I'm well on my way with the bag thing. I mean at least I can actually make one, I can get fancier with it the more practice I get. I'm intrigued with Amy Butler. Are her patterns worth the price? Everyone seems to be universally ga~ga over her fabrics (which are beautiful)but I've read mixed reviews on her patterns. There's no doubt that the finished products are great and I'll pay more if they are helpful to a sewing newbie. Maybe I'll go to G Street Fabrics to try and check them out tomorrow. As far as quilting I have no idea! I really want to be able to make some of the awesome quilts I've been seeing around. I don't think I'm ging to learn from a book though.
Now that we've covered all I can't do, let's talk about baking. It's everywhere! Namely cupcakes. They're everywhere! The opportunities to drool while browsing the internet are endless...who doesn't like cupcakes? And guess who came home from school today asking if I could make some for his class? I just might have to go out and get one of these books!
Oh my goodness! See what I mean? So far I have plans to make a quilt while I bake cupcakes and knit socks after I sew up some bags. Somewhere in there I've got to get the dishes and laundry done. Help.
I promised a Halloween update didn't I? Pretty uneventful...candy was collected, candy was handed out...you know, the usual. The boys were excited though because Daddy was able to go for the first time ever.

Doesn't Daddy look thrilled? Haha!
I apologize if this entry was all over the place. We had a birthday party last night. Not only did I miss my knit night but the party was at Chuck E Cheese. I'm still recovering.
Your family is absolutely beautiful. My dh had a similar expression on his face while trick or treating. It must be a man thing. I adore the first bag you made. I love that fabric. It would be so cute in a needle roll. I like making needle rolls, they are so easy, yet look impressive.
We missed you on Wednesday and our sympathie were certainly with you.
My sister "was" Chuck E. Cheese as a part-time job when she was in high school and on college breaks. She said it was the worst job she ever had--they had to send her out with an "assistant" to pry the kids off her ankles, which she couldn't see through the big head. Then, since she was also waiting tables, the parents would ask her why she couldn't have the mouse perform while she served their pizza. Did they think it was a real 6 ft. tall mouse and not the same 18-yr. old kid they've been yelling at all night?
Cute bags! I wish I were more handy with a sewing machine.
You husband looks like he'a having the time of his life! LOL!
love love love the pucciesque bag - great job! and the halloween pics are adorable!
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