I have a scarf tied around my head (which incidentally doesn't match my shirt but whatever) and you can't really see too much. It was done this morning, really it was! But after a windy day walk, a few rounds of Chutes and Ladders, some laundry, and your general kiddie horseplay my 'do was through (LOL). In hopes of distracting you guys from the fact I promised hair pics here's a chubby baby shot

Did it work?

Either way here are a couple more shots of Ella. Close up

and wrapped around the boys

Her stats:
The pattern is Ella from Knitty. I used Brooks Farm 4 Play in the Poppies colorway and Denise Interchangeables in US size 10. It took me 2 full skeins and (no lie) about 7 inches of the third! The pattern was knit as written except for omitting a repeat in section 2.
This was an awesome pattern! I would love to do it again with maybe a different weight and fiber content of yarn. It went by quickly and I never got bored, even towards the end. I highly recommend this shawl...can't say enough good things :o)
Late Sunday night I decided to put two very bright colors of KnitPicks Shine (purple and green) together to make the funky tank top out of Adorable Knits for Tots. But my gauge was different, and I wanted to knit it in the round, and I was only using two colors. I guess you could say it's not the funky tank from Adorable Knit after all...LOL! I've dubbed this little creation 'sweet grapes'. The colors remind me of grapes and although 'sour grapes' is a little more catchy and also the first thing that came to mind, my little man is waaay too sweet to wear something called sour grapes. A little corny I'll admit but who cares?
I'm trying to decide if I want to join Sockapaloooza this time around. Anyone else joining? I think it would be pretty cool to recieve something handknit (socks no less!!), and the time frame is right...I just need to stop being wishy~washy and do it I suppose.
I'm also warming my fingers and wrist up for the Knitting Olympics! I think I'm going to join the Plain Old Sweater team as I'm not doing anything particularly fancy(a Ribby Cardi) even though *I* see it as a challenge and isn't that what this whole thing is about? The whole Olympic thing is pretty funny because the hubby and I have this long standing joke about sports. I watch countless hours of football, ESPN, football, basketball, and football. Did I say football? I always tell him one day knitting will be a competitive sport and he'll have to watch it on TV with me. So when I told him I had joined I got a bit of an eyebrow raise. I told him not to worry and reassured him that he didn't have to actually watch me knit my sweater but cheering me on is always welcome. My girlfriend threatens her husband as well, but with scrapbooking.
Wouldn't that be something...*sigh*
ella is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate playing chutes and ladders
Ella is beautiful! Gorgeous colors!
Holy cats, it's GORGEOUS!!! I adore the colourway!!!! It really makes me want to knit another. I still want to see your hair! And!!! I just signed up for Sockapalooza - do it! It's my first exchange of any kind. Wow!
Oh, and I figured out what it means to be tagged, so I'll get on it in the next day or so.
I like the colors of the Brooks Farm that you used. Your Ella is fantastic
Oh, that is fabulous! Love the pattern and the colors. And your boys are precious. :)
Ella is stunning ... don't you just love Brooks Farm yarn? And your boys are simply adorable ... what wonderful models.
Ella really came out beautiful.
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