Wednesday, December 20, 2006

imagine creative picture here

because in my haste to get the Christmas gift scarves done for the boys teachers I forgot to take pictures! Here are the stats...

scarf #1: Opera scarf pattern, Elann's Baby Silk in Mulberry, US9s.
scarf #2: Vintage Velvet from Scarf Style, Classic Elite Waterlily in purple, US8s.

I'll give you a sec to create a vision in your mind.

Sorry it's been so long. The holiday season is taking it's toll on me. I'm still not done with my shopping, but the bulk of the important stuff is done so I can relax a little. I prefer to stay out of the stores, but the baby likes to shop until he drops

Another reason I've been MIA is because not one, but BOTH of my computers took a dump and we wound up having to buy a new one. Merry Christmas!! It came at a bad time, but our desktop was a dinosaur and it's probably the only way I was going to get anything new out of DH. In his world technology only advances when it comes to Playstations and John M@dden football. Anyway, he told me that this was one of my presents since I'm the only one in the house who was 'ready to hyperventilate from withdrawls'.

Wanna see what else I got for Christmas??

It's a Kromski Minstrel! I got it from Bubbie's Farm and I couldn't be happier with her service. The shipping was fast (and free), she sent some extras, and has even helped me out with an assembly problem already.

I don't really have a clue what I'm doing yet but I have managed to produce something that looks like yarn

so it's all good. I've been using double drive but will switch it over to scotch tension when I get a chance to compare the two. I need to get a book and maybe take a class so I can get the most out of my wheel.

The baby seems to think the wheel is a superhero tower, as I find all his little men hanging from various locations. He is completely fascinated by it, and has to touch it even if I tell him no. So, she (he? I haven't decided yet) has to live behind closed doors for now.

In other news I got my coffee swap package from Monica and I LOVE IT!

She sent me a hank of Cherry Tree Hill and one of Shaefer Anne, Holiday Blend coffee from Borders, creme brulee chocolate crackers from Lindt, some DPN keeper caps, a tiger tape measure, and a Y@nkee Candle tart that made everything smell great! She even included some goodies for Phoebe, who spend yesterday afternoon showing her new mouse some love :o) It all came packaged in a lunch box type tin that has sparkly kitties in all different girly colors. Girly is great because (as you may well know) Phoebe and I live in a house full of boys.

Thank you so much Monica! I hope you like your package as much as I do. This coffee swap was a great idea. I like that it wasn't secret, and that I got to know my pal over the course of the swap.

I'm knitting. Really I am! Now that I've finished the scarves, I started Shedir for DH. Yes I know I have like 50 projects going, but they are all big projects and I've never made a hat for the hubby. Not to mention I keep seing all these great manly versions of Shedir popping up everywhere. Hopefully I won't go blind from all the tiny cables and black (Crystal Palace Creme) yarn.

I've also been tagged by Janna for a meme. Since this has already been a long winded post I'll save that for tomorrow.

One last thing for anyone who is interested...Seaport Yarns is offering free priority shipping through today. They've got some stuff on sale, too.

Today is the first day of the winter break. The kids are off until January 2nd. May the force be with me.


Erica said...

What a beautiful wheel! Have fun!

janna said...

So did those baby toes come with the coffee swap package? ;-)

Christine said...

What a beautiful wheel - I can't wait to see what you make with it!

Calling on Kahlo said...

I am glad you liked the package. I don't know if I mentioned the mouse was handmade by a volunteer at our shelter. If you poke the mouse with a needle the catnip inside will be more potent. I am sure that is just what Phoebe needs. Also, I heard the Cherry Tree Hill is highly recommended on Knitty.

Amysatx said...

Your coffee swap stuff looks so neat!!! I wonder if anyone has tried a "wine" swap. Have fun spinning on your new wheel!! Maybe Susan's "Ken" can come save your wheel from the invasion of the little men!

Anonymous said...

i have warn you! men of all ages love fiddling with spinning wheels for some reason!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Christmas at your house looks great!

Have fun with your new computer and new wheel. I'd be smiling from ear-to-ear if I received either one of them!

Enid said...

I see a little baby foot!! heehee.

You really took off with this spinning thing. Maybe you need to come done for a visit and do some more of that enabling thing. To get me motivated to pick up that spindle. LOL> I look at it and look away. MEH! aaaaaah..

look like you also got some really nice coffee swap loot.

Have a good weekend.

Ginger said...

What a beautiful wheel!