We're still waiting on the house. We've got an apartment and rented some furniture to get us by until we close. We've got borrowed pots and pans, and a borrowed TV for the kids...which didn't do us much good before Tuesday since that's when the DirecTV man came.
The plan was to wait until we moved to get online but I need my internet connection (along with my knitting) to keep me sane. So DSL it is and so far so good. Now maybe I'll even get to use that iPod I got last month :o)
I have been knitting and I'll tell y'all all about it this weekend. But first, a contest!!! I know I haven't been able to update the blog as much as I'd like and I want to thank the people who still take the time out of their busy days to see what's going on in my life. So....leave me a comment! Anyone who leaves a comment between now and Saturday morning will get their name put in a hat for a surprise!
I'll be back on Saturday with a finished object, an almost finished object, an an update on what been going on in the life of the BusyFamily :o)

Sooo... How are you liking San Antonio? Hot enough for ya? :P Corny, I know. I hope things get squared away with your house pretty directly. Take care!
I've been thinking about you - it sounds like we're in the same limbo state, but you're just further away :)
What a cutie! He's getting big!
Hey Kim! Glad to see you back. And Isiah is growing like crazy. Hope you'll be in your house soon and 'settled'. :-)
Hey, do you want to hear from us new people, too????
Yay for tv and internet!
We are glad you are here! Did you finish the dress?
I have missed you so much! I'm am so glad you're back!
Yay - I'm glad you're back! Try to enjoy the heat :)
We are so glad to have you as a part of our San Antonio SnB group!!
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