first day of school
and explain to a certain someone why he can't go too...

I'm the one~woman entertainment show for the baby. By evening time I'm exhausted and my knitting is suffereing. Not to mention it's hot.as.hades. Maybe I'm a wimp, but for the love of pete could you throw a girl a breeze or something? I tell ya, both boys had flag football practice yesterday and I thought I was going to die. Yeah, yeah, so what I complained about the cold, rainy weather back in Maryland. Truth is I could use a raindrop or two right about now.
I have been knitting some though.

I'm at the point where I'm ready to separate the front and back. If I could ever get a minute I might actually finish. I just need a solid hour or so of knitting time. I've also started on what I fear is going to be a seriously boring knit.

That us there is the Manly Sweater (or Very Manly. Or whatever) from Stitch n Bitch. In gray without the stripes. Just miles and miles of ribbing.
But what can you do? At least I can take my time because I can guarantee he won't be wearing a wool sweater anytime soon :o) Oh, a note about the yarn...it's the new Swish superwash fron Knitpicks. So far so good. I swatched (Hi Amy!) and ran it through the washer and dryer on a ragular setting with some towels. Still looks great! It's nice to knit with too, although I'm not sure I'd want to use plastic needles.
I've also been shopping! When it's so hot you spend a bit more time online and then you start checking out yarn sales and before you know it there is no more room in the apartment to stash stuff (Luckily for me the house should be done by the end of the month!). So my 'to knit' list is growing. Maybe I'll update my sidebar this weekend with a list of stuff I have waiting in the wings?
Oh well, the boss is up from his nap and ready for action. Hope you all have a great weekend. We're going to see Monster House and attempt to stay cool.
I'm working on the Manly Sweater too and yes it is Very Boring. But, it's so wearable according to the guys, so I trudge on. And on. And on...
The Manly Sweater is gray? I thought it was going to be in the tan/beige/light brown range. I think gray would be more tolerable for endless knitting!
Look at those cuties off to school!
I can hardly wait to see the "manly sweater" once it takes form! Loved the pics of your kiddos. You're just becoming a swatching senorita!
Phoebe says "mew mew meeeewww" and she has a backpack on. Do you think she's trying to follow the boys to school??? She looked at my yarn like it was an old friend - I think she's happy when I knit. I know I am - and that's not often. We miss you! Mew mew.
PS - no rain in MD in AGES. Just humid and hot and humid some more!
Phoebe says "mew mew meeeewww" and she has a backpack on. Do you think she's trying to follow the boys to school??? She looked at my yarn like it was an old friend - I think she's happy when I knit. I know I am - and that's not often. We miss you! Mew mew.
PS - no rain in MD in AGES. Just humid and hot and humid some more!
ok, so i posted the same thing twice because ...??? that was weird. Anyway, HI KIM!!! I'm watching Phoebe eat and well, it's reeeally late, so now that I've established my own blog world, I"m heading to bed!
HA! I made an account just so I can post here. lol.
you little guy is so cute!!
I'm glad to hear your house is coming along, i can certainly sympathize with having to wait for a place to call home. Sometimes it feels like things go in slow motion. lol.
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