Sunday, November 12, 2006


Ok, I have another question for you all to think about while you are deciding if you want to knit with me. What's the best way to handle comments?

When I get comments I want to answer every single one. I get them emailed to me, but then if the commenter hasn't entered their email address into their blogger profile I can't reply. So then I say I'll do it in a minute because by now the baby is probably doing something he has no business doing. Then I forget. Then a week goes by and I figure the commenter probably forgot they ever commented in the first place!

So you see, I need a system. How about Haloscan? Or should I just move all together??


Erica said...

I started using Haloscan recently and I really like it.

janna said...

I use Haloscan and like it. You can't just reply to the comments, though - you have to forward your reply, because the comment is coming to you from Haloscan (I don't remember if Blogger comments work that way).

I think WordPress lets you reply directly. I'm about one more major Blogger issue away from moving....

Anonymous said...

Just move. I moved because Blogger decided to totally erase my template. :P Thats just my two cents about it. I like to reply to comments, but I'm in the same boat with blogger.

Lola said...

Haloscan is okay, but it seems rather cobbled togethr and text is really small. I host my blog on my own domain using MovableType and it's really easy to reply to comments. You'll have to do some work to tweak the settings to keep out the spam, though. Lately there are spammers who post just one URL so as to get through the threshold. I'm going to have to upgrade and see if this takes care of the problem.

LJL Spins and Knits -

Enid said...

I dunno what you should do. Hmmm I just reply inside my own blog, like a message thread thingy. maybe I should email people back. I never thought about that. I'd love to know what you decide.

Insomiknitac said...

i have always used haloscan for my non-blogging commenters

Deborah said...

I have the same dilemma. I end up posting a reply, most times, in people's comments on their blogs if they don't have an email listed. Some folks don't even have comments in which case I figure they don't want to be bothered...

Christine said...

I am sooooo bad - I don't reply to comments. I should, I know. But instead I come read the blogs that comment on my site and comment on theirs. That counts for something, right?

I do love though, and Vox is pretty nice too. I'm just sayin' ...