Ok, so as soon as I hit the period at the end of that sentence he popped up and it was on the rest of the night! The boys even stayed up late so I wound up with NO time to finish my post. We now join our blog post already in progress...
There was no school yesterday and since it was gorgeous outside I hardly saw the boys all day. When the baby *finally* decided to take a nap I flipped on the TV. Talk shows. I tell ya...how many men can you sleep with in, say, a two week span that you have no idea who the father of your baby is? Any why do they all say they are 'one hundred and ten percent' sure that the poor goober they dragged on the show is the daddy when they know they slept with his uncle, cousin and brother too? Trash TV is good for something though. I got some knitting done! Ok, so neither of the projects I've been working on are anything I've showed you before. That's because I'm cheating on my WIPS. I'm so bad.
Can you guess what this is?

Yup! It's a Somewhat Cowl. First I layed my other projects down just to fondle the yarn. Then I said 'just a swatch...a little swatch'. In a moment of weakness I caston and that's when it turned into a full~blown affair! I've got 4 inches to go until the ribbing and I can't.stop.knitting. I'm adding some waist shaping and hope to be done by at least Wednesday.
The other project I cast on for when I know I had no business is Poppy from Debbie Bliss' Cotton Angora book. I'm using some Wool in the Woods that I got last year at MDS&W. After it sat in my stash for a while I realized the color wouldn't suit my baby so I decided to gift it to a friend's daughter. One more sleeve to go and I get to sew it together and pick up the billion stitches for the ribbing. I didn't take a pic because honestly it's just a pile of little pieces of rolled up fabric. Trust me, you'd much rather see it when it's finished.
Progress on my SockapalOOOza sock?

I know, you're thinking 'that's funny, it looks just like it did in the last picture she posted!' That's because it IS the last picture I posted. I've only managed another repeat on the first sock. This past week has been really bad for concentration. Not to mention the baby's odd attachment to Louet sock yarn makes it hard to knit while he'son the prowl.
Today is Flash Your Stash day. I didn't sign up, but I thought about flashing anyway. I took one look at mystash and realized there was no way I was going to get it into any kind of photographic order before we go to see Curious George at 2.30pm. I was going to do it when we get back but DH is having a small Final Four get together. I don't need his friends thinking I'm some kind of crazy knitter~lady who not only hoards yarn but poses and takes pictures of it. Not cool. Oh well. Maybe I'll flash it when I'm organizing for the move and planning what project will actually be coming with me :o)
Next time I'll let you guys in on when I plan to work on for Project Spectrum, and what else I plan to work on because I can't wait!
I always wondered how those women can have 25 men DNA tested and not ONE of them turn out to be the father. These girls have WAY too much time on their hands. I'd kill to have that kind of time (not to have babies, to sew, of course). *hehehe*
I'm sorry about the babe's fever. I hope he gets that tooth fast and can settle down a bit before the next when arrives.
I lOVE your sockapalooza socks. Make sure we get to see them!
My first 2 had fevers with teething as well.
Somewhat Cowl is such a lovely pattern, I can see why you are cheating. I am planning to make it, too.
Teething and fevers/runny noses always go hand in hand, regardless of what the peds say.
I saw a girl on Maury one time who had brought in twelve men and none of them were the father of her baby. They ended up testing this guy that the girl and the guy both said they hadn't slept together, but her best friend claimed she walked in on them when they were drunk. He wasn't the father. I just found it ridiculous that they were now testing men she didn't even remember sleeping with. Next their going to test the guy who stood behind her in line at Starbucks, just in case.
I'd cheat with somewhat cowl too if I could get away with it.
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