Saturday, November 18, 2006

Coffee maker, you're killin' me

Now? Now you decide you don't want to work? And with absolutely no warning. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Not only do I have to get a new microwave (the last one suffered some sort of trauma during the last move), but a new coffee maker as well. Just wanted to let you know that it's over between us. Even if you decide that you'd like to go back to producing coffee it'll be too late. The next time you see me I'll have a shiny new appliance in hand, maybe even one with a handy~dandy timer! You left me in my time of need. I'm so over you.

Proof that we went trick or treating...

I know it's a little blurry. Do you know how hard it is to get three boys to stand still long enough for a picture on the biggest candy day of the year? In the dark??

Proof that I've been knitting...

Yes, they don't match. I've been working on the mates though. Ok maybe not working on them, but I've been carrying them around in my new little bag. Wanna see?

Isn't it cute? I got it as a raffle prize at Kid n Ewe. Christine's mom makes them, so let her know if you'd like one of your very own! Not only is it good for sock projects, but it's perfect for carrying around what is fast becoming my newest habit...

Not sure why it's glowing like that, must be the way the sun was coming through the window.

I've been knitting on my Edie cardigan. I'm almost done with the back. I had to make some provisions for my larger gauge. Knitting math doesn't scare me nearly as much as it did when I first started :o)

Thanks for all your suggestions about how to handle comments. I've decided to move house, and have something in the works. I'll be here for a minute though...

Almost forgot! Look who's been knitting...

with Brooks Farm no less!!


Jodi said...

That is one VERY cute chicken. What a great costume! I hope you love the new coffeemaker. I bought one with a timer (which I don't really use), but the best part is the automatic shutoff! I used to panic after I left the house in the AM about whether or not I had turned the coffeemaker off.

janna said...

Yes, the baby is very cute as a chicken - and as a knitter! And I would never get around to making coffee in the morning if it weren't for the timer.....

Kim said...

The costumes are so cute! Good thing you are starting the knitting lessons at an early age.

Calling on Kahlo said...

Adorable chicken! They all look great. We have a Cuisinart Grind and Brew which is awesome! And it has a timer (we used it twice).

Amysatx said...

So sorry about the death of your coffee maker. Hey! Does that mean I get your coffee swap goodies(when you get them)? I promise to tell how gooood everything is ;-)
Love the costumes!

Bezzie said...

EEE!!! Look at your cute little knitting prodigy! He's a natural! :-)

Anonymous said...

I, too, have appliances that I do not want to be without.

You're spinning now? That's great! I thought about trying the drop spindle but if I take up another hobby my husband will probably have a fit.

Can't wait to see what you spin.

Looking forward to Edie and second sock pictures!

Insomiknitac said...

audrey wanted that chickem costume so bad after she was a cat!!!
i too am exhausted
i like my simple human coffee maker if you are still looking
i love pics o little people knitting! i taught my 6 yr old neighbor to knit!