Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The littlest hank

Please excuse the blurry pic, not sure what happened.

Speaking of not being sure of what happened...how did this happen?? I'm discovering just how many types of spindles there are out there, all the pretty roving that's available...y'all know where this is going right?


janna said...

Very pretty! You NEED another hobby! ;-)

Unknown said...

Welcome to the fold! It gets worse. Trust me. Have fun spinning. A drop spindle is definitely the way to start. Once you've mastered that, you can start thinking of the . . . dare I say it, A WHEEL ;)

Erica said...

he he... It's all over now!

Insomiknitac said...

soon yoo'll have a wheel or two!

Jerry & Maxy said...

I love little hank!