I was on my way home from my weekly ritual of knitting and hot chocolate at Folk Art When I fishtailed coming off of the beltway! Thank goodness I was going slow because of the rain and traffic. To make a long story short I wound up with my rear against the median and my nose out in traffic. Everyone was able to stop and just when I thought I was in the clear...*pow*!! Someone hit a lady who in turn hit me. No cosmetic damage (I was hit in the tire) but the axle is all bent up and I almost didn't make it home. Thank goodness everyone is ok and that the insurance co. gave me a rental ;o)
I finally got my books! And as I was sure of the other day they have all kinds of cool things I want to make. I'm thinking of doing 'Misty Garden' from scarf style as a gift for someone in my mom's group. I really want to make 'Lady Eleanor' but I got confused just looking at that pattern! LOL! I also love the Children's Cotton Hats from Last~Minute Knitted Gifts...so cute! However, I think my favorite is the Chevron Scarf, it's just beautiful! I think I just might treat myself with that one.
'That's all well and good', you say, 'but have you had any knitting progress?' Why yes I have.....

"what is that?' you ask? That, my friends, is a self~fringing shawl. The pattern is from Knit One Crochet Two. I'm using that Incredible ribbon from LB. It's ok...not much stitch definition (though I didn't expect any) and it twists up something awful! It is very vibrant and pretty though. I'm a little worried about the self~fringing part. The thought of unravelling my knitting makes me a tad nervous. But hey, you have to trust your pattern...right?
I will have a pic of little man in his finished hat next time, and hope to have some progress to show on DHs hat. I found some lovely...er, ah...manly green Brown Sheep superwash. No purple at all!
Wow, an accident! Glad you're ok! Make sure you take it easy at least for today and tomorrow. Sometimes you can be a little sore even if you aren't hurt badly.
Love the colors in your shawl!
Eww, sorry to hear about the accident. The axle damage sounds bad. I hope it isn't!
Love the shawl.
Wow! Glad you're okay!
I'm near Baltimore, too, so if you're looking for someone else near you to go to the Folk Art Studio, give a hollar - I haven't been yet!
Wow! Glad you're okay!
I'm near Baltimore, too, so if you're looking for someone else near you to go to the Folk Art Studio, give a hollar - I haven't been yet!
Wow! Glad you're okay!
I'm near Baltimore, too, so if you're looking for someone else near you to go to the Folk Art Studio, give a hollar - I haven't been yet!
Hi Kim! Did I meet you at knit out? I am ashamed that I cant remember!
I'm glad you are ok after the accident! Sounds like a close call to me.
I love Folk Arts Studio - I met Lauren and Megan there the weekend before last and we had such a great time!
Thanks Everyone for your comments!!
Hopefully the damage isn't that bad, I haven't heard anything yet.
Lauren...meeting up on a weekend would be cool! I'm doing the shawl with LB Incredible(3 skeins) and another with Ironstone Infinity (2 hanks). They both came out a bit cheaper than the K1C2 yarn! Oh, and no I didn't have a blog when I met you :o)
Amie...I'm not really near Baltimore, I'm in So. MD but would LOVE to meet up with you!
Meagan...Yes, I met you at the knit Out! Briefly though. I really hope we can all get together!
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