Friday, October 08, 2004

Not happy!

I was all set to post some pics. However Photobucket doesn't take new accounts after 2pm and before 10pm (MST). Since that's after midnight for me I don't see it happening. Hello disappears once you upload a pic and then you can't sign back in. Why do I seem to be the only one to ever have these issues???

Anyway, yesterday I decided to return some Karabella I had~4 balls to be exact. I used that money to purchase 12 balls of wool~ease. I have blankets I need to make. I like the feel of wool when I knit but the kids need machine washable items so I figured it will work. If it pills or whatever it was only $2/ball so no worries!

So as of tonight I have a blanket, a hat, and a scarf started. Actually I've been starting that darn scarf all day. It's a friend's birthday on Sunday, but everyone wanted to get together tomorrow! Oh the pressure! Well I wound up frogging the stupid thing about 20 times before I got a phone call saying the birthday 'bash' has been moved to Monday...*whew*

I got the yarn I ordered today (thanks cucumberpatch UK!)to make Jake and Max from 'Rowan Junior'. I need to get a couple more balls for contrast striping on Max but that's no biggie, I probably won't get started on those for another week or two. Oh, almost forgot...funny thing happened on Wednesday. I bought some DPNs at Folk Art Studio especially for the bucket hat and left them right on the counter! They are holding them for me (of course) but I probably won't get back up there until next Wednesday.

Maybe I'll mess with this blog a little tonight. I'm taking a HTML class so maybe I'll experiment with some buttons...'til next time!

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