Saturday, October 09, 2004

Picture pages, picture pages...

~*~open up your picture pages~*~

Does anyone else remember this? Bill Cosby? Am I showing my age??

I thought about editing my last entry because I am now happy, but since I was unhappy then I left it alone. I got photobucket to work (yay) and have made some changes 'round here. First off, my wool~ease stash...

Not bad for $27 huh? Next we have my blanket...

Well actually not my blanket but a blanket for a relative's baby. And last but not least ds #1's hat...

When I'm done with that one I have ds #2's hat (in green)to knit. They have expressed a desire for scarves as well. I look at this as a good thing...they think the stuff that mommy makes is 'cool'!

I also have this...

and it needs to be transformed into some sort of wearable object by Monday. Well If you recall that poor little ball of ribbon yarn almost became a scarf like...15 times or so. I've made little progress~6 rows or so~and I need to light a fire under my behind! I still have to make her card...


Christina said...

WOW! Look at your page. It's beautiful and yet loads quickly over dial-up. Quite a difference over last visit. Good luck with all of your WIP! Don't get too stressed out.
BTW- I remember picture pages, but then again, we know I'm old.

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks incredible! I love it.

I may have to get you to help me!

I've printed out some HTML help but have not gotten a chance to read it or try it.

The blanket should be really pretty!

Kim said...

Thanks guys!!

marykat said...

wow, your blog looks amazing!! I wish I could do all that stuff, I am clueless! Nice colors in your woolease stash, by the way.

amandazen said...

Your blog is so pretty! I love your template and your blanket is going to be gorgeous, the colors are perfect together.

Happy knitting.