Here's sock #1 without a toe...

So I've got about a week to knit sock #2. Since I did the first one in a week with pretty much no knitting while I was in TX (about 2 days) I should be fine. DH has also been nice enough to give me a little extra uninterrupted knitting time since he knows I'm on a deadline :o)
I wanted to be sure to get my sock pal update in, but I've got to get going. Since I got up this morning and pretty much did nothing but feed the kids and graft my toe I've got dishes and laundry calling my name. I want to tell you all about my trip and I still need to show you what I got in NY so I'll be back. Until then, how about a cute baby pic to destract you?

Awwwww!! Cute babies!
What a cute picture!
The kids are WAY cuter than the sock. But the sock sure does look pretty and comfy!
Cute baby pic! How on earth do you find time to knit?!
I've been meaning to comment on that pretty sock, but I keep getting distracted by the cute babies. It's all good!
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